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Exam Pattern
1. The exam pattern will be kept close to the previous year's examination for the convenience of students.
2. There will be two papers under JEE for 3 hours duration: Paper 1 – for B.E. / B. Tech. aspirants and Paper 2 – for B.Arch. aspirants.
3. Since 2021, NTA disabled the offline mode for Jee Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech). So now Paper 1 will be computer-based test (CBT) conducted in online mode & Paper 2 (B.Arch) will continue to be in offline mode.
4. Paper 1 will have three sections namely – Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. Each one of them will have equal number of objective type multiple choice questions for which multiple answers or only one answer could be correct.
5. Paper 2 will also have three sections namely – Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test out of which the first two exam sections will have objective type multiple choice questions and drawing test will test the drawing skills of all the Paper 2 aspirants.
6. For multiple choice questions, 4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer, negative marks deduction (of 1 mark) will be done on each wrong answer & partial marks will be given on the questions that have multiple right answers (in case when not all the answers to that particular question is correct).
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Fill up the form above on right hand side. On receiving your information, you will be called up by JEE counsellor for course explanation. After filing up enrolment form link and fee submission your classes will start.
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